Customizing Application Badge

By default, the MobilePush SDK will automatically set the application badge if Inbox messaging is enabled in your application.

If you’d like to implement your own badging, follow the directions in the page above and use setApplicationIconBadgeNumber() based on your unique needs.

Use Custom Keys to Add a Thumbnail to your App Inbox

Using MobilePush’s Custom Keys, your application’s display of Inbox messages can be customized with message-specific information to enhance the look, feel and usability of your app’s inbox.

In this example, we illustrate including an image URL when sending an Inbox message. The URL is later accessed by your application and can be used to add a thumbnail image to your message list.


  • Create a custom key named inboxThumbnail in MobilePush following the instructions here.
  • Create an Inbox message targeted for your application following the instructions here.

When configuring the message, set the custom key inboxThumbnail to a valid, https URL (example:

  • In your app’s Inbox implementation, you can access the custom key sent in the message using the following snippet. This is based off sample code in our LearningApp project.

Inbox Messaging

Custom Keys
