The SDK doesn’t automatically present URLs from these sources.

  • CloudPage URLs from push notifications
  • OpenDirect URLs from push notifications
  • CloudPage URLs from inbox messages using the built-in UITableView delegate

To handle URLs from these sources, follow these instructions.

  1. Implement the URLHandlingDelegate (v8.x) or MarketingCloudSDKURLHandlingDelegate (v7.x) protocol in your app.
  2. Use the sfmc_setURLHandlingDelegate: method to set a delegate for this protocol.

The URLHandlingDelegate (v8.x) or MarketingCloudSDKURLHandlingDelegate (v7.x) is set using sfmc_setURLHandlingDelegate: method. This enforces the protocol method sfmc_handleURL:type:. When an OpenDirect or CloudPage push notification is received, the SDK passes an NSURL value to sfmc_handleURL:type:. This value contains the push notification or inbox message, and includes the URL. A type value also reflects the source of the URL, which is either SFMCURLTypeCloudPage or SFMCURLTypeOpenDirect.

The class that implements the URLHandlingDelegate (v8.x) or MarketingCloudSDKURLHandlingDelegate (v7.x) delegate must be Objective-C compatible.

See MarketingCloudSDK+URLHandling.h for more information.
