SDK and iOS Badging

When the SDK Sets the Badge

The MobilePush SDK automatically sets the application badge value if inbox messaging is enabled in your SDK configuration. The badge is set by the SDK in the following cases:

  • When an Inbox message is sent from Marketing Cloud, a silent push is also sent. The slient push contains a badge value that reflects the system’s count of unread inbox messages.
  • When an Alert + Inbox message is sent from Marketing Cloud, the Alert component, which is a push notification, is sent containing a badge value that reflects the system’s count of unread inbox messages plus 1. The plus one indicates the push notification.
  • When the application is sent to the background, the MobilePush SDK sets the badge value to the count of unread Inbox messages.

When iOS Sets the Badge

The application badge is set by iOS directly when a push notification created in Marketing Cloud has a badge value enabled. Neither the SDK nor the application can prevent this badge value from being set via a push notification.

Application Badging Override

You can allow your application to override the SDK’s badge setting. After your application takes ownership of badging during SDK configuration, the MobilePush SDK no longer sets badges reflecting Inbox message unread count.

To enable an application’s override of badging, pass a configuration value into the SDK’s sfmc_configure... method via the JSON configuration file, or use the sfmc_configureWithDictionary: method.


To enable override, use the sfmc_setApplicationControlsBadging method in your configuration builder.

Setting and Clearing the Badge

When your application controls badging, it may be desirable to set or clear the badge value when events or data change within your app.

This is done by setting the badge value to an integer value.

Configure the SDK