
Requests an updated list of Inbox Messages from the Marketing Cloud Servers. The Inbox request can be made, at most, once per minute. This throttle also includes the Inbox request that is made by the SDK when your application is brought into the foreground.

DDoS Protection

The SDK has several built in mechanisms to protect Marketing Cloud servers and services. For message GET routes, we allow at most one manual refresh request per minute. This prevents bad application implementations or mobile app users from calling refresh over and over when there will be no new data available.

Within the SDK and it’s logging, this presents a 429 - Too Many Requests log statement.


To protect the workload and ensure optimal performance, the Inbox Message routes may throttle incoming requests. This throttling is based on adaptive logic, which operates as a percentage of traffic depending on the current load. The system is designed to automatically determine when throttling is necessary or when it can be reduced.

During periods of traffic throttling, some customer requests may receive a 429 - Too Many Requests response. This will log a 429 response within the SDK. The Marketing Cloud has considerable server-side logic to monitor and adjust this throttling mechanism.



Provide an instance of an InboxRefreshListener to be notified of the completion of the refresh. This listener is only guaranteed to be called for this single request and as long as the application remains in the foreground. If the application is backgrounded while the refresh request is in flight then the listener instance may become invalid due to restrictions imposed by Android, and thus cannot be notified upon completion.