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abstract fun deleteMessage(@NonNull message: InboxMessage)
abstract fun deleteMessage(@NonNull messageId: String)
Marks a InboxMessage as deleted in local storage.
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abstract fun disableInbox()
This method provides the capability to disable the InboxMessage feature on the current device using the SDK.
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abstract fun enableInbox()
This method provides the capability to disable the InboxMessage feature on the current device using the SDK.
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abstract fun getDeletedMessageCount(): Int
Get the number deleted Inbox Messages regardless of their read status.
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Gets a List of Active, Deleted Inboc Messages for use with your own adapter.
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abstract fun getMessageCount(): Int
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Gets a List of Active, Read &Unread, not Deleted Inbox Messages for use with your own adapter.
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abstract fun getReadMessageCount(): Int
Get the number of read, not deleted Inbox Messages
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Gets a List of Active, Read, not Deleted Inbox Messages for use with your own adapter.
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abstract fun getUnreadMessageCount(): Int
Get the number of unread, not deleted Inbox Messages
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Gets a List of Active, Unread, not Deleted Inbox Messages for use with your own adapter.
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abstract fun isInboxEnabled(): Boolean
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abstract fun markAllMessagesDeleted()
Marks all active InboxMessages as deleted.
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abstract fun markAllMessagesRead()
Marks all active, unread InboxMessages as read.
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Requests an updated list of Inbox Messages from the Marketing Cloud Servers.
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Call this method to be notified of Inbox events within the Marketing Cloud SDK.
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abstract fun setMessageRead(@NonNull message: InboxMessage)
abstract fun setMessageRead(@NonNull messageId: String)
Marks a InboxMessage as read in local storage.