
interface Editor

This class handles the setting of customer configurable values in the SDK. All validation for length, type, nullability, etc. is completed within the editor. When the editor's commit method is called the SDK will compare the running configuration to the previously successfully processed configuration. If there have been any changes they will be stored locally and transmitted to the Marketing Cloud Servers.


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Adds the provided to tag to the registration.
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Adds the Iterable provided to tags.
Adds the Collection provided to tags.
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Clear the value for the attributes of the key provided.
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Clear the value for the attribute of the keys provided.
Clear the value for the attributes of the keys provided.
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Removes all customer configured tags.
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abstract fun commit(): Boolean
You must call this method for your changes to be stored locally and transmitted to the Marketing Cloud Servers.
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Removes the provided tag from the tags in your registration.
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Removes the tags provided from the registration
Removes the Collection provided from tags.
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abstract fun setAttribute(@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 128) key: String, @NonNull value: String): RegistrationManager.Editor
Sets a key/value pair as an attribute in the registration.
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abstract fun setContactKey(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) contactKey: String): RegistrationManager.Editor
Setter for contactKey which was formerly known in the SDK as SubscriberKey.
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abstract fun setSignedString(@Nullable @Size(min = 1) signedString: String): RegistrationManager.Editor
Setter for "Signed String" in the SDK.