
Public facing interface for interacting with the Marketing Cloud SDK's analytics features.


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Indicates whether the ET analytics are enabled or disabled.
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Indicates whether the Pi analytics are enabled or disabled.
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abstract fun disableAnalytics()
This method allows you to disable the collection of ET Analytics through the SDK.
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abstract fun disablePiAnalytics()
This method allows you to disable the collection of Pi Analytics through the SDK.
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abstract fun enableAnalytics()
This method allows you to activate the collection of ET Analytics through the SDK.
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abstract fun enablePiAnalytics()
This method allows you to activate the collection of Pi Analytics through the SDK.
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Returns the value set by setPiIdentifier.
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abstract fun setPiIdentifier(@Nullable @Size(min = 1) piIdentifier: String)
Set the Predictive Intelligence Identifier to be associated with your Predictive Intelligence analytics.
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abstract fun trackCartContents(@NonNull cart: PiCart)
PI Analytics Convenience method to track a shopping cart.
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abstract fun trackCartConversion(@NonNull order: PiOrder)
PI Analytics Convenience method to track a purchase.
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abstract fun trackInboxOpenEvent(@NonNull message: InboxMessage)
Track the opening of a InboxMessage in ETAnalytics.
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abstract fun trackPageView(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) url: String)
abstract fun trackPageView(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) url: String, @Nullable title: String)
abstract fun trackPageView(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) url: String, @Nullable title: String, @Nullable item: String)
abstract fun trackPageView(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) url: String, @Nullable title: String, @Nullable item: String, @Nullable searchTerms: String)
Track page views within your application