Properties | List of all members
FuelSDK.Subscription Class Reference



System.Nullable< int > SubscriptionID [get, set]
bool SubscriptionIDSpecified [get, set]
int EmailsPurchased [get, set]
int AccountsPurchased [get, set]
int AdvAccountsPurchased [get, set]
int LPAccountsPurchased [get, set]
int DOTOAccountsPurchased [get, set]
int BUAccountsPurchased [get, set]
System.DateTime BeginDate [get, set]
System.DateTime EndDate [get, set]
string Notes [get, set]
string Period [get, set]
string NotificationTitle [get, set]
string NotificationMessage [get, set]
string NotificationFlag [get, set]
System.Nullable< System.DateTime > NotificationExpDate [get, set]
bool NotificationExpDateSpecified [get, set]
string ForAccounting [get, set]
bool HasPurchasedEmails [get, set]
string ContractNumber [get, set]
string ContractModifier [get, set]
bool IsRenewal [get, set]
bool IsRenewalSpecified [get, set]
long NumberofEmails [get, set]

Detailed Description

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