SendDefinitionList [] | SendDefinitionList [get, set] |
Email | Email [get, set] |
string | BccEmail [get, set] |
string | AutoBccEmail [get, set] |
string | TestEmailAddr [get, set] |
string | EmailSubject [get, set] |
string | DynamicEmailSubject [get, set] |
bool | IsMultipart [get, set] |
bool | IsMultipartSpecified [get, set] |
bool | IsWrapped [get, set] |
bool | IsWrappedSpecified [get, set] |
int | SendLimit [get, set] |
bool | SendLimitSpecified [get, set] |
System.DateTime | SendWindowOpen [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowOpenSpecified [get, set] |
System.DateTime | SendWindowClose [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowCloseSpecified [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowDelete [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowDeleteSpecified [get, set] |
bool | DeduplicateByEmail [get, set] |
bool | DeduplicateByEmailSpecified [get, set] |
string | ExclusionFilter [get, set] |
TrackingUser [] | TrackingUsers [get, set] |
string | Additional [get, set] |
string | CCEmail [get, set] |
System.DateTime | DeliveryScheduledTime [get, set] |
bool | DeliveryScheduledTimeSpecified [get, set] |
MessageDeliveryTypeEnum | MessageDeliveryType [get, set] |
bool | MessageDeliveryTypeSpecified [get, set] |
bool | IsSeedListSend [get, set] |
bool | IsSeedListSendSpecified [get, set] |
TimeZone | TimeZone [get, set] |
int | SeedListOccurance [get, set] |
bool | SeedListOccuranceSpecified [get, set] |
int | CategoryID [get, set] |
bool | CategoryIDSpecified [get, set] |
SendClassification | SendClassification [get, set] |
SenderProfile | SenderProfile [get, set] |
string | FromName [get, set] |
string | FromAddress [get, set] |
DeliveryProfile | DeliveryProfile [get, set] |
DeliveryProfileSourceAddressTypeEnum | SourceAddressType [get, set] |
bool | SourceAddressTypeSpecified [get, set] |
PrivateIP | PrivateIP [get, set] |
DeliveryProfileDomainTypeEnum | DomainType [get, set] |
bool | DomainTypeSpecified [get, set] |
PrivateDomain | PrivateDomain [get, set] |
SalutationSourceEnum | HeaderSalutationSource [get, set] |
bool | HeaderSalutationSourceSpecified [get, set] |
ContentArea | HeaderContentArea [get, set] |
SalutationSourceEnum | FooterSalutationSource [get, set] |
bool | FooterSalutationSourceSpecified [get, set] |
ContentArea | FooterContentArea [get, set] |
bool | SuppressTracking [get, set] |
bool | SuppressTrackingSpecified [get, set] |
bool | IsSendLogging [get, set] |
bool | IsSendLoggingSpecified [get, set] |
string | InteractionObjectID [get, set] |
string | Name [get, set] |
string | Description [get, set] |
string | Keyword [get, set] |
ETClient | AuthStub [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the authentication stub. More...
string [] | Props [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the properties. More...
FilterPart | SearchFilter [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the search filter. More...
string | LastRequestID [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the last request identifier. More...
string | DirectoryPath [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the directory path. More...
string | UniqueID [get] |
| Gets the unique identifier. Returns the ID if the value is greater than 0. If not and Object ID is not null returns Object ID. If not and Customer Key is not null returns Customer Key. If not throw throws error. More...
ClientID | Client [get, set] |
string | PartnerKey [get, set] |
APIProperty [] | PartnerProperties [get, set] |
System.DateTime | CreatedDate [get, set] |
bool | CreatedDateSpecified [get, set] |
System.Nullable< System.DateTime > | ModifiedDate [get, set] |
bool | ModifiedDateSpecified [get, set] |
int | ID [get, set] |
bool | IDSpecified [get, set] |
string | ObjectID [get, set] |
string | CustomerKey [get, set] |
Owner | Owner [get, set] |
string | CorrelationID [get, set] |
string | ObjectState [get, set] |