SendReturn | Send () |
| Send this instance. More...
PostReturn | Post () |
| Post this instance. More...
PatchReturn | Patch () |
| Patch this instance. More...
DeleteReturn | Delete () |
| Delete this instance. More...
GetReturn | Get () |
| Get this instance. More...
GetReturn | GetMoreResults () |
| Gets the more results. More...
InfoReturn | Info () |
| Info of this instance. More...
int | FolderID [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the folder identifier. More...
ETSubscriber [] | Subscribers [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the subscribers. More...
TriggeredSendTypeEnum | TriggeredSendType [get, set] |
bool | TriggeredSendTypeSpecified [get, set] |
TriggeredSendStatusEnum | TriggeredSendStatus [get, set] |
bool | TriggeredSendStatusSpecified [get, set] |
Email | Email [get, set] |
List | List [get, set] |
bool | AutoAddSubscribers [get, set] |
bool | AutoAddSubscribersSpecified [get, set] |
bool | AutoUpdateSubscribers [get, set] |
bool | AutoUpdateSubscribersSpecified [get, set] |
int | BatchInterval [get, set] |
bool | BatchIntervalSpecified [get, set] |
string | BccEmail [get, set] |
string | EmailSubject [get, set] |
string | DynamicEmailSubject [get, set] |
bool | IsMultipart [get, set] |
bool | IsMultipartSpecified [get, set] |
bool | IsWrapped [get, set] |
bool | IsWrappedSpecified [get, set] |
short | AllowedSlots [get, set] |
bool | AllowedSlotsSpecified [get, set] |
int | NewSlotTrigger [get, set] |
bool | NewSlotTriggerSpecified [get, set] |
int | SendLimit [get, set] |
bool | SendLimitSpecified [get, set] |
System.DateTime | SendWindowOpen [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowOpenSpecified [get, set] |
System.DateTime | SendWindowClose [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowCloseSpecified [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowDelete [get, set] |
bool | SendWindowDeleteSpecified [get, set] |
bool | RefreshContent [get, set] |
bool | RefreshContentSpecified [get, set] |
string | ExclusionFilter [get, set] |
string | Priority [get, set] |
string | SendSourceCustomerKey [get, set] |
TriggeredSendExclusionList [] | ExclusionListCollection [get, set] |
string | CCEmail [get, set] |
DataExtension | SendSourceDataExtension [get, set] |
bool | IsAlwaysOn [get, set] |
bool | IsAlwaysOnSpecified [get, set] |
bool | DisableOnEmailBuildError [get, set] |
bool | DisableOnEmailBuildErrorSpecified [get, set] |
int | CategoryID [get, set] |
bool | CategoryIDSpecified [get, set] |
SendClassification | SendClassification [get, set] |
SenderProfile | SenderProfile [get, set] |
string | FromName [get, set] |
string | FromAddress [get, set] |
DeliveryProfile | DeliveryProfile [get, set] |
DeliveryProfileSourceAddressTypeEnum | SourceAddressType [get, set] |
bool | SourceAddressTypeSpecified [get, set] |
PrivateIP | PrivateIP [get, set] |
DeliveryProfileDomainTypeEnum | DomainType [get, set] |
bool | DomainTypeSpecified [get, set] |
PrivateDomain | PrivateDomain [get, set] |
SalutationSourceEnum | HeaderSalutationSource [get, set] |
bool | HeaderSalutationSourceSpecified [get, set] |
ContentArea | HeaderContentArea [get, set] |
SalutationSourceEnum | FooterSalutationSource [get, set] |
bool | FooterSalutationSourceSpecified [get, set] |
ContentArea | FooterContentArea [get, set] |
bool | SuppressTracking [get, set] |
bool | SuppressTrackingSpecified [get, set] |
bool | IsSendLogging [get, set] |
bool | IsSendLoggingSpecified [get, set] |
string | InteractionObjectID [get, set] |
string | Name [get, set] |
string | Description [get, set] |
string | Keyword [get, set] |
ETClient | AuthStub [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the authentication stub. More...
string [] | Props [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the properties. More...
FilterPart | SearchFilter [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the search filter. More...
string | LastRequestID [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the last request identifier. More...
string | DirectoryPath [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the directory path. More...
string | UniqueID [get] |
| Gets the unique identifier. Returns the ID if the value is greater than 0. If not and Object ID is not null returns Object ID. If not and Customer Key is not null returns Customer Key. If not throw throws error. More...
ClientID | Client [get, set] |
string | PartnerKey [get, set] |
APIProperty [] | PartnerProperties [get, set] |
System.DateTime | CreatedDate [get, set] |
bool | CreatedDateSpecified [get, set] |
System.Nullable< System.DateTime > | ModifiedDate [get, set] |
bool | ModifiedDateSpecified [get, set] |
int | ID [get, set] |
bool | IDSpecified [get, set] |
string | ObjectID [get, set] |
string | CustomerKey [get, set] |
Owner | Owner [get, set] |
string | CorrelationID [get, set] |
string | ObjectState [get, set] |