List of all members
FuelSDK.DeleteOptions Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for FuelSDK.DeleteOptions:

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from FuelSDK.Options
ClientID Client [get, set]
AsyncResponse [] SendResponseTo [get, set]
SaveOption [] SaveOptions [get, set]
sbyte Priority [get, set]
bool PrioritySpecified [get, set]
string ConversationID [get, set]
int SequenceCode [get, set]
bool SequenceCodeSpecified [get, set]
int CallsInConversation [get, set]
bool CallsInConversationSpecified [get, set]
System.DateTime ScheduledTime [get, set]
bool ScheduledTimeSpecified [get, set]
RequestType RequestType [get, set]
bool RequestTypeSpecified [get, set]
Priority QueuePriority [get, set]
bool QueuePrioritySpecified [get, set]

Detailed Description

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